Money Lover makes personal finances management easy for everyone. It helps you simply manage everything from cash, credit cards, bills, receipts, and money saving, etc in one secure place.
Table of contents
Introduce about Money Lover - Spending Manager Premium APK
Get the award-winning personal finance & money management app to manage money now! Track your expenditures, monitor your transactions, create your monthly budget, push yourself in saving money, and much more. You can also link your Money Lover wallet your bank account to automatically track your transaction history. Money Lover is a must have app for personal financial management. Managing financial becomes super easy and fast!
Personal financial management can be difficult for many people. You need to track your expenses and also, you need a budget. Don’t forget to track whether you are saving money every month. Money Lover is a personal book keeping and money management app that will help you in every step of the way. Let us help you manage your personal finance efficiently and effectively!
What is Money Lover - Spending Manager Premium APK
Money Lover makes personal finances management easy for everyone. It helps you simply manage everything from cash, credit cards, bills, receipts, and money saving, etc in one secure place.
Money Lover - Spending Manager APK Features
The first step to manage money is to keep track on your spending. Add your transactions on this tab so you can track where your money goes. View monthly transactions from previous month or you can add transactions that will occur in the future. We make personal book keeping super easy and fast.
Link your bank account to your Money Lover Wallet. This feature allows us to track your transaction history automatically so you don’t have to manually input them to Money Lover app.
This service is available globally for Paypal account holder. It is also available for account holder of major banks in Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, India, HongKong, Japan/ Taiwan. You will get 7-days FREE trial to test this feature.
You need a budget to keep your spending on track. In our Financial Planning tab, we provide features to help you create monthly budget, managing financial for special events, adding recurring transactions and bills.
Gain insights for your spending pattern here. View your balance for every month, income and expenses, debts, loans, and others. You can view the report in several ways: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, All, or Custom.
The Features of Budgeting & Financial Planning in Money Lovers are:
Use this feature to create your budget and financial plan. You can manage money more easily if you know your spending limit for each type of expenses.
Money Lover gives you insight about your budget progress, so you can adjust your behavior to prevent from overspending.
When you travel or have a big event, you need a budget to keep your spending in check. Use this feature to create a separate budget for special events (parties, celebrations, weddings, travels, etc).
Add recurring transactions that will automatically added to your transactions in the future.
Upgrade ONCE and enjoy the benefit for LIFETIME! Access the premium features which have more powerful features for better financial management:
✔ Tracking more than 1 wallet
✔ Add credit wallet
✔ Unlimited financial plan & budgets
✔ Create goal wallets
✔ Create saving wallet
✔ Create financial plan to pay off your debts.
✔ Export transactions to CSV, Excel.
✔ Enjoy support by financial experts.
✔ Attach images.
✔ Remove ads and enjoy ad-free app experience.
So, what are you waiting for? Download Money Lover – Personal Expense Tracker & Budgeting app now!
Do you know anyone who needs Money Lover for personal book keeping and manage money? Please share our app with them so they can take advantage of our features to help them achieve their financial goal.
Don’t forget to rate and review Money Lover on the Appstore if you love it!
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What's new
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
Money Lover Premium APK Features
✔ An unlimited number of budgets, savings, wallets, events.
✔ Export to CSV, Excel
✔ Picture attachment
✔ Ad-free
Money Lover Mod APK Features
- Premium / Paid features unlocked;
- Pack Icons unlocked;
- Languages: Full Multi Languages;
- CPUs: armeabi, armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64;
- Screen DPIs: 120dpi, 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
- Original package signature changed;
Download Money Lover - Spending Manager Premium APK for Android
You can download Money Lover - Spending Manager Premium Mod APK from the link provided below.